Mastering parrying in Deadlock can be very rewarding.

There are a few heroes in Deadlock that center their builds around delivering tons of damage through their melee and charged melee attacks, with the only way to stop them being a well-timed parry. So, to help you stave off that annoying, punchy Abrams, here's our complete guide to parrying in Deadlock.

Some of the heroes in Deadlock's roster require you to be ready for a well-timed parry (Image via
Some of the heroes in Deadlock's roster require you to be ready for a well-timed parry (Image via

Parrying in Deadlock

In order to parry in Deadlock, you simply press the "F" key, or whatever you may have it bound to. Doing so will cause your hero to emit a blue glow and stun any enemy that attempts to melee during this time. If you are successful in parrying, the would-be melee user will be stunned for two seconds and will be left vulnerable.

However, timing your parry incorrectly will leave you at risk as well, as you cannot shoot your weapon or move during a parry. This means that you will need to be cautious before attempting this and learn when your opponent plans to charge in.

Parry strategy in Deadlock

Much of learning this comes down to feel and getting used to how your opponent is engaging you, but it also requires you to know a bit more about what heroes you should parry against. For example, you'll likely want to be prepared to parry an Abrams more often than a Vindicta.

Below are some common close-range heroes that you should be prepared to parry:

  • Abrams
  • Haze
  • Infernus
  • Ivy
  • Lash
  • Mo & Krill
  • Warden
  • Yamato

You can also use parry on Guardians when they go to melee you. This can be a great way to stay aggressive in the early game and get a lane advantage. Timing this, however, can be a bit trickier, so go practice some in the Sandbox!

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