Best Mirage build in Deadlock: Hit and Run

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

If you want to be quick on your feet and deal a ton of damage as Mirage, here’s the best build for it in Deadlock.

Mirage is the 22nd Deadlock hero, added in the September 26 patch. The hero can be a bit annoying to play against, and that's what this Mirage build does best in Deadlock. It ups his weapon's damage, gives him more stamina and speed, and makes it easy to pull off a hit and run on enemy heroes.

Best Mirage build to chip away at enemies and safely retreat

Build name to search: Mirage Hit and Run -

The Mirage build in Deadlock focuses on his main weapon, his movement speed, and his ability to get in and out of fights quickly. It's all about chipping away at enemy health and causing them to make a mistake while you stay alive.

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Fire rate, damage, stamina, and speed buffs make that easy. Your enemies will fall back and open up space for your team to push, or get tired of your antics and overextend into your zone where your allies can help take them down.

Early Game

Buy these in order to make the build the most effective. Don't get too aggressive early on, but also don't be afraid to test your enemies' response.

Item Type
High Velocity Mag
Extra Stamina
Rapid Rounds
Mystic Reach
Sprint Boots

Mid Game

Purchase these in order, as well. It ensures your damage and movement capabilities, as well as the ability to slow down or catch up to your foes begin to reach their peak.

Item Type
Mystic Shot
Superior Stamina
Soul Shredder Bullets
Slowing Hex
Torment Pulse
Enduring Speed

Late Game

This is where the Mirage build lets you become a true nuisance in Deadlock. Your weapon damage and health grow here, to allow the hit without the need to run.

Item Type
Burst Fire
Pristine Emblem
Improved Reach
Phantom Strike

Mirage abilities and upgrades

This build recommends you take a balanced approach to Mirage's abilities in Deadlock. The build items give you extra speed and stamina, so start with the 2 and 3 before going all in on the 1. Here are the abilities and the order to upgrade:

  • Tornado: Transform yourself into a tornado that travels forward, damaging enemies, and lifting them up in the air. After emerging from the tornado, you gain bullet evasion.
  • Fire Scarabs: Start launching fire scarabs. Each scarab can be launched separately, stealing max health from enemies and applying bullet resist reduction. Cannot apply multiple scarabs to the same enemy. The health gain from hitting heroes is 3x as effective as against non-heroes.
  • Djinn's Mark: Passive - Your shots apply an increasing multiplier on the target. When the multiplier on a target expires or you reach the max, it's consumed and the target suffers Spirit Damage and is briefly revealed on the map. The final damage is the base damage times the multiplier.
  • Traveler: Channeled. Target an ally or visible enemy hero on the minimap, then teleport to where they were when your channel started. After teleporting, you gain movement speed as well as fire rate until your next reload.
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Strengths and weaknesses of this Mirage build in Deadlock

You're going to be a main source of damage for your team with this Mirage build in Deadlock. Just make sure to play your life and know what its strengths and weaknesses are:

High DPS, especially later in the game
A glass cannon before the late game
Abilities and items make him very speedy
Requires almost perfect aim, as the abilities take a bit of a backseat
Can pop shots from range if the hit and run tactics aren't working
Might have trouble up close with a properly scaled melee hero

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