If you see Lorem Ipsum in College Football 25, don’t worry as it is just placeholder text until things are back to normal.

If you're like us, and so many others, you're trying your hardest to play the new college football video game. You might be trying to start an online or cloud save for your Dynasty. And you see the text "Lorem Ipsum" where it should probably say something else in College Football 25.

Well, that's just placeholder text, but it has a lot of people curious. It isn't supposed to be there. Let's go over what it means and why it is appearing.

What does Lorem Ipsum mean?

Essentially, Lorem ipsum is simply a placeholder for text. All kinds of publishing, marketing, and advertising mediums use it. They create the surrounding graphics and just put "Lorem Ipsum" where text should be until their copywriter comes up with something snappy.

It is described as broken Latin, that was used a long time ago, especially in Roman and Greek writing. Have a read of the phrase's Wikipedia page if you are further interested in meaning and its origin.

Why does it say Lorem Ipsum in College Football 25?

(Screenshot via esports.gg)
(Screenshot via esports.gg)

If you're seeing Lorem Ipsum in College Football 25, just know it is in place of the text that is actually supposed to be there. Most are noticing it where it should say "Cloud" and "Offline" for the game's Dynasty mode.

EA were having massive server issues upon launch, which did not allow anyone to create an online Dynasty. They decided to take the function down until the servers became stablized, but it looks like someone made a mistake.

Instead of simply making the function not work, they took out the text in place. It says Lorem Ipsum and that's all there is to. Soon enough, you won't see that text and the online functionality of the game will be working properly.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for more esports news and College Football 25 coverage.