Civilization VII gives you the chance to build Factories. However, the game doesn’t let you know exactly how to do it.
As you start the Modern Age in Civilization VII, you'll begin to unlock more familiar buildings and units. One of the major buildings you can produce in the Modern Age is a Factory, which affects a variety of other elements during the third and final age of Civilization VII.
Factories allow you to produce more specialized resources that you can allocate to both towns and cities as long as you have a Factory built there. Different Legacy Path objectives require you to build a Factory and build a certain amount of them as well. So, suffice it to say, you want to get your Factories up and running in Civilization VII as quickly as possible.
The problem is, the game doesn't give you a ton of explanation on how to build them or how to use your newfound Factory Resources. That's where we come in, so check out the guide below to see more details.
When can you build Factories in Civilization VII?
To start, Factories can't be built until you research the specific Technology that unlocks the ability to produce them. This Technology is called "Mass Production," and it became available to research for us around turn 100 in the Modern Age. However, we were playing on the "Epic" game speed, which will affect what turn certain tech and civics become available.

After you research Mass Production, you'll gain the ability to construct a Factory in a town or city in Civilization VII. The Factory offers a +8 to production, a +4 to science, and a +4 to culture. For us, it took 10 turns to build, but your mileage will vary depending on your current science production. Ideally, you want to construct your first Factory in your capital city and then proceed from there.
The Factory doesn't need to be built in a specific location, but you'll likely have to overbuild to get it up and running. If need be, we suggest replacing one of your lesser-used tiles with the Factory, as it becomes your most important building in the Modern Age.

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How to allocate Factory Resources in Civilization VII
Now that you have a Factory up and running, you're likely trying to allocate all of those Factory Resources that are lying dormant in your Resource Management menu. However, just having a Factory in a town or city does not let you use the Factory resources.
Instead, you need to also have built a Rail Station and Rail Connection in addition to the Factory to start allocating those resources. The Rail Station is one of the first buildings you can produce at the start of the Modern Age and a Rail Connection is automatically built along with it. So, you basically just have to worry about the Rail Station, which is unlocked by researching a specific Technology.
Once the Rail Station and Factory are up and running, you can head into your Resource Management menu and allocate one resource from the Factory menu to the town or city that meets the requirements. This is done by pressing the "plus" icon on the far right of a town or city's box in the menu.

You can obtain more Factory Resources by installing a Factory in more towns or cities that have access to different resource tiles. However, you can only allocate one Factory Resource per town or city in the Resource Management menu.
And that's all you need to know about building Factories and using those valuable Factory Resources in Civilization VII.
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