This is one of the last treasure hunts in the Living Lands.
Ancient Arrowhead is a treasure map you can find and follow in the Galawain's Tusks region of Avowed. Unlike other treasure maps, you can't purchase Ancient Arrowhead from a vendor. Instead, you need to loot the map off of a skeleton's body in the Writing Ruins part of Galawain's Tusks.
Once you have the Ancient Arrowhead treasure map in your possession, you can look at the map to see where the treasure is located. Of course, as with all treasure maps in Avowed, the map doesn't depict an easy location to find. So, to make your task simpler, read the guide below to see exactly where to find the Ancient Arrowhead treasure in Avowed.
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Ancient Arrowhead Treasure location in Avowed
As you'll see by looking at the image on the Ancient Arrowhead treasure map, the treasure is somewhere near Solace Keep. The lava waterfalls of the keep are unmistakable no matter what you're looking at in Galawain's Tusks. However, the image is fairly misleading, as the treasure is actually located a solid distance away from the keep.
To find the Ancient Arrowhead treasure, you need to go to the Warden's Rest location in the central part of Galawain's Tusks. This is just south of the Salt Flat Farms and north of The Sallow Steppe.

Once you're at Warden's Rest, you want to head directly east, which leads you towards some rocky cliffs. At these cliffs, walk until you reach the edge and then turn right to find a small pathway that leads to a chest sitting up against a large boulder.

As you might expect, this is the Ancient Arrowhead treasure and the chest contains the Scout's Reach unique Trinket. This is the reward for completing the treasure map, but the chest also has a flurry of other items you can grab, mostly crafting materials. Once you've looted the chest, the Ancient Arrowhead treasure is now complete in Avowed and you can move on to other quests.
If you're interested in other treasure maps in Galawain's Tusks, we've also covered the other two treasures in the region, My Loyal Shield and The Blade That Hungers.
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