It’s Apex Legend’s fifth Anniversary, so lets go over some of the best skins that Apex Legends has released over its history!

Apex Legends has been around for five whole years. Over those five years, there have been countless events. With each event came a plethora of different cosmetic items for legends, weapons, or banner customizations.

So, let's dive into some of the best skins to come out in Apex Legends over it's five year history. Additionally, this list is in no particular order.

Horizon's bewitching Phoenix Rising

Starting our list of the best Apex Skins of all time is the Phoenix Rising skin for Horizon. Released during the Spellbound event, this skin was the standout skin of the event. Marvel fans ate well with this skin.

Although the name of the skin references the X-Men Jean Grey and the Phoenix force, the skin in actuality is inspired by the Scarlet Witch. The biggest giveaway is the iconic headpiece that both Horizon and Wanda wear. At the end of the day, some of the best skins in Apex, or any game in general, are those that reference other franchises. Horizon's Phoenix Rising is a great example of this.

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Wattson's Thunder Kitty

Now, we couldn't miss out on the skin for Wattson that the Apex community fell in love with. That being her Thunder Kitty skin. Debuting back in 2022 during Apex's third anniversary event, players fell in love with this skin for the fresh take on everyone's favorite French scientist. Like many other skins on this list, the vibrancy and overall aesthetic of the skin are like none prior.

The iconic Voidwalker Wraith

Wraith's Voidwalker skin is arguably the most iconic Apex skin of all time. The skin still to this day strikes fear into some players, as the ‘TTV Wraiths’ of old days past would terrorize King's Canyon while using this skin. This is where Wraith players gained the stereotype of being some of the sweatiest players in Apex.

The Voidwalker skin introduced the concept of alternative legend select introduction, which in the early days of Apex was revolutionary, and set trends for future iconic skins.

Revenant's Revelations

How do you make a scythe wielding, mass murdering, hundred year old robot assassin look even more cool? Make him look like a EVA Unit from Neon Genesis Evangelion. That's where Revenant's Revelations skin comes in.

Introduced in the Gaiden event, alongside a plethora of other Anime inspired skins, Revenant's skin stands on top, as the true winner of the tournament arc. Showcasing a truly terrifying synthetic nightmare. Although the event had some of Apex's best skins when it comes from inspirations from other franchises, the Revelations skins is one of the best.

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Mirage's Chuckles the Barrelman

Now unlike the other skins on this list, Mirage's Chuckles the Barrelman skin is more light hearted than deadly. While other skins tend to lean towards making Legends look cool, Chuckles does the opposite, which is fitting for Apex Legends' very own Prankster. The skin is a definitive upgrade on Mirage's Old Town Halloween 2019 skin. Plus, imagine getting bamboozled and surrounded by 6 Chuckles when Mirage uses his ultimate ability. Truly terrifying.

Pathfinder's Memoir Noir

Pathfinder as as 1920's gangster. That's all. Seeing our favorite grapple swinging robot in a bright yellow trench coat and fedora is, for lack of a better term, peak. Although it was nice that the Devs gave the skin a second life with it's recolour, nothing beats the original. Not to mention the cinematic and iconic event that came along with the skin, Pathfinder's Fight Night.

Gibraltar's Holiday Bruddah Bear

When it comes to Christmas, or in Apex terminology, the Holo-days, there is one skin that is associated with the time of festivities. That would of course be Gibraltar's Bruddah Bear skin. Releasing during the first Holo-day event back in 2019, Gibraltar players of all shapes and sizes would pruchase the skin and sit on their enemies with the Force of Gravity finisher.

Wraith's Ancient of the Void

Few skins have achieved the same levels of hype as the Ancient of the Void skin for Wraith. Released during the Imperial Guard event last year, the skin completely redefines Wraith as a menacing and imposing samurai with an Oni mask.

The impressive colors of the skin diverts from Wraith's typical darker color scheme. From the tiniest details to the overall design, the Ancient of the Void skin is one of the greatest of all time.

Bloodhound's Original Fight or Fright Protector of the Patch

Another classic skin of the Apex days of old, and one of the greats. This skin for Bloodhound from 2019's Fight or Fright event and was the most iconic Halloween skin of the time.

Few skins back in the early days of Apex completley redesigend the legend, but the Protector of the Patch was one of the first to do so. And for being the first to do so, this skin does it phenominally. The skin for Bloodhound birngs a completley unique design while still having those key recognizable features.

Horizon's Brood Anomaly

Last but certainly not least is the Brood Anomaly skin for Horizon. If this skin looks familiar, well it should! As it released pretty recently, with the Death Dynasty Event which was in late 2023. The Brood Anomaly skin is one of the few skins that look better than the original (The Brood Mother skin).

The bright white and golds are a nice change of pace compared to the typical darker skins for Horizon. And coupled with the helmet that makes Horizon truly alien, Horizon is a true extra terrestrial threat.

There have been so many skins for the ever expanding roster of Legends, it was a true challenge to narrow it down to just ten. However, you can always check out Apex Legend skin library here. For more Apex content, stay tuned to