Looking to run guns in the Apex Legends Gun Run? Here’s how to rack up more wins while weapon swapping all over the place.

Gun Run is a game mode originally introduced in Call of Duty: Black Ops, as "Gun Game". The mode's objective was to get kills with as many guns in the game as you can. You start with a specific gun and each time you get a kill, your weapon changes to a different one. The goal is to get a kill with every gun in the game.

An iteration of this game mode, called Gun Run got introduced in Apex Legends as part of the Best of Prey event in Season 14. It is now a rotating game mode in the permanently available Mixtape Playlist in the Apex Legends matchmaker.

An intro to Apex Legends Gun Run

Teams in Gun Run are divided into four squads; Bear, Wolf, Eagle and Tiger.
Teams in Gun Run are divided into four squads; Bear, Wolf, Eagle and Tiger.

Apex Legends has taken plenty of liberties with its iteration of Gun Run and turned it into a skirmish between four squads of three players. As opposed to Call of Duty where the game mode is a free-for-all, Gun Run features a team element and scales differently. Each squad starts with the same weapon and must level up through a tree of 25 weapons.

The weapon at level 25 is the throwing knife. It's a deadly weapon exclusive to Gun Run, which takes two body shots or one headshot to kill. The first team to get a kill with a throwing knife wins the game. A melee kill in Gun Run demotes your opponent's score and weapon. Kills with legend abilities do not level up your weapon unless you've also dealt damage with your weapon.

The weapon tree

The weapon tree in Gun Run begins with Assault Rifles and climbs all the way through every weapon type in the game until Level 25.
The weapon tree in Gun Run begins with Assault Rifles and climbs all the way through every weapon type in the game until Level 25.

The Gun Run weapon tree begins with assault rifles, specifically the Havoc and ends with the throwing knife. Teams are supposed to climb this tree by getting as many kills as they can. A player that gets a kill immediately receives the next weapon in the tree for their team. That weapon tree goes as follows.

  • Assault Rifles
  • LMGs
  • SMGs
  • Shotguns
  • Marksman Weapons
  • Snipers
  • Pistols
  • Throwing Knife

As teams climb the weapon tree, it gets more challenging to get a kill. Some weapons are quite difficult to get kills with in a game mode as fast-paced as Gun Run. The likes of the P2020, Charge Rifle and Mozambique can leave players stuck on the same weapon for a while unless they're really good at finding killing blows with them.

How to improve at Apex Legends' Gun Run

The Throwing Knife is a deadly weapon but can be tricky to land a hit with
The Throwing Knife is a deadly weapon but can be tricky to land a hit with

Gun Run is a great game for getting better at weapons you normally don't prefer in BR mode. Most players have a few weapons they prefer over other ones in the game. Additionally, they also have a few weapons they simply cannot use comfortably. Gun Run forces them to potentially use these weapons to get a kill. Gun Run features a completely different gameplay approach to other game modes. Here are a few things to keep in mind to get better at the game mode.

  • Do not focus on dealing damage, unless it is to assist your teammate in getting a kill.
  • The objective is to help your team climb the weapon tree, so in case you aren't getting kills, don't lose hope. You can still contribute by roaming with your team-mates and assisting them level up your team.
  • Take some time out to scope your surroundings from secluded, high-ground spots. In Gun Run, the fights between teams usually take place in congregated areas of the map. This opens up opportunities to third-party fights and pick up easier kills.
  • In the latter stages of the game, when you have high-risk, high-reward weapons that can be challenging to get kills with, it's better to be more tactful in your approach.
  • The Throwing Knife deals 100 body damage and 250 headshot damage. That means it's a one-hit kill with a headshot. It's usually a good idea to take the high ground when you're using this weapon.
  • Try to shoot players that are already engaged in fights with other players and are likely to be quicker to kill.

Gun Run is among the three available game modes in rotation through the Mixtape Playlist. These include Control and Team Deathmatch. You can read our guide on Control to know more about that game mode if you're indulging in the Mixtape Playlist.

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