Apex Legends ammo is not all the same! We breakdown the types, rarity and differences between them from bullet drop to damage.
With an ever changing weapon meta, it's crucial that you rock the right Ammo in Apex Legends. Every weapon utilizes different ammunition. Some legends prefer fighting up close, and others sniping from distance.
Regardless of your playstyle, it's important to know details surrounding your favorite weapons and its ammo.
What is the loot distribution for the different ammo types?

Season 18 begins on August 8 and it’ll bring some major changes to the current weapon meta. This includes a complete overhaul of the Charge Rifle and a significant nerf to all SMGs. While the Apex Legends weapon meta is always changing, it’s important to have an understanding of how easily you’ll be able to pick up ammo. The most recent loot percentages for ammo are as follows:
Ammo | Current loot percentages |
Energy Ammo | 30.93% |
Heavy Rounds | 27.84% |
Light Rounds | 25.77% |
Sniper Ammo | 13.4% |
Shotgun Shells | 2.06% |
If you are a consistent shotgun user don't fret! While the spawn rate of shotgun shells is by far the lowest, the spawn rate of the shotguns themselves is relatively common and it only takes 16 shells to fill an inventory slot. This means even though the ammo alone does not spawn very often, you can pick up your shells from the numerous shotguns in the loot pool.
Differences between Apex Legends ammo types
Energy ammo
Energy weapons are definitely a solid part of the current meta and will continue to be so, especially since Season 18 is bringing zero nerfs to the Nemesis. There are six weapons that use energy ammo and all of them will be available as ground loot throughout the season.
- Nemesis
- Havoc
- Devotion
- L-Star
- Volt
- Triple Take
- Devotion
Energy weapons come with a variety of perks. Two of the most noticeable and valuable are the projectile speed and the flight path. These weapons have very low projectile drop due to their speed which is most prevalent in mid to long range engagements.

Apex Legends energy ammunition and weapon statistics
Name Ammo Damage (Body/Head/Legs) DPS RPM Mag Size Reload | Havoc-AR Energy 18/32/15 202 672 24/28/32/36 3.2/3.09/2.99/2.88s | Nemesis-AR Energy 17/30/13 180-196 637-692 20/24/28/32 2.7/2.61/2.52/2.43s | Volt-SMG Energy 15/23/12 180 720 19/21/23/26 2.03/1.96/1.89/1.83s | L-Star-LMG Energy 16/24/14 160 600 Infinite 2.21s | Devotion-LMG Energy 15/23/13 75-225 300-900 36/40/44/48 3.63/3.51/3.39/3.27s | Triple Take-Marksman Energy 21x3/37x3/19x3 85 81 6/7/8/10 3.06/2.96/2.85/2.75s |
Heavy ammo
Heavy ammo weapons can hang their hat on the fact that they tend to have a higher DPS (damage per shot). This positive is counter balanced by the fact that heavy weapons usually have a slower rate of fire and more bullet drop. This can make using them at range challenging for those that don't know recoil patterns. There are currently 5 weapons that utilize heavy ammo:
- 30-30 Repeater
- C.A.R. SMG
- Hemlok Burst AR
- Prowler Burst PDW
- VK-47 Flatline

Apex Legends heavy ammunition and weapon statistics
Name Ammo Damage (Body/Head/Legs) DPS RPM Mag Size Reload | Flatline-AR Heavy 18/32/14 180 600 20/25/28/30 3.1/3/2.89/2.79s | Hemlok-AR Heavy 23/40/17 159 414 30/39 2.57s | CAR-SMG Light/Heavy 13/20/10 202 930 19/21/23/26 2.13/2.06/1.99/1.92s | Prowler-SMG Heavy 15/22/12 174 697 20/25/30/35 2.6/2.51/2.43/2.34s | 30-30 Repeater-Marksman Heavy 42-57/74-100/36-48 97 139 6/8/10/12 0.6s/bullet |
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Light ammo
Weapons using light ammo usually have a much higher fire rate but do less damage per round. Recoil control is integral with weapons with higher fire rates (R-99, R-301, RE-45, M-600 Spitfire). This makes light weapons (particularly those with faster fire rates) good for short to medium range. The bullet drop on light weapons is pretty substantial in comparison to some other weapon categories. The weapons that use light ammo are below:
- Alternator SMG
- C.A.R. SMG
- G7 Scout
- M-600 Spitfire
- P2020 Pistol
- R-301 Carbine
- R-99 SMG
- RE-45 Auto

Apex Legends light ammunition and weapon statistics
Name Ammo Damage (Body/Head/Legs) DPS RPM Mag Size Reload | R-301 Carbine-AR Light 13/23/10 176 810 18/20/25/28 3.2/3.09/2.99/2.88s | CAR-SMG Light/Heavy 13/20/10 202 930 19/21/23/26 2.13/2.06/1.99/1.92s | R-99-SMG Light 12/18/10 216 1080 19/21/24/27 2.45/2.37/2.29/2.21s | Alternator-SMG Light 16/24/13 160 600 19/22/25/27 2.23/2.16/2.08/2.01s | Spitfire-LMG Light 18/27/15 162 540 35/40/45/50 4.2/4.06/3.92/3.78s | G7 Scout-Marksman Light 32/56/24 128 240 10/15/18/20 2.7/2.61/2.52/2.43s | RE-45-Pistol Light 12/18/11 156 780 25 1.95s | P2020-Pistol Light 18/27/16 126 420 14/16/18/21 1.25s |
Sniper ammo
Sniper ammo is used by the four weapons in the loot pool. It is the second rarest ammo in the loot pool and 28 rounds fills a slot in your inventory. A huge benefit to utilizing snipers is the ability to deal collateral damage to your enemies. Snipers are powerful enough to fire through enemy legends and deal damage to multiple opponents with a single round (with the exception of the charge rifle). The four weapons that use sniper ammunition are:
- Charge rifle
- Longbow DMR
- Sentinel
- Wingman

Apex Legends sniper ammunition and weapons statistics
Name | Ammo | Damage (Body/Head/Legs) | DPS | RPM | Mag Size | Reload |
Charge Rifle-Sniper | Sniper | 3x15/4x15/3x15+45 | 39 | 26 | 6 | 5.1/4.93/4.75/4.59s |
Longbow-Sniper | Sniper | 55/118/44 | 72 | 78 | 6/8/10/12 | 3.66/3.54/3.41/3.29s |
Sentinel-Sniper | Sniper | 70/140/63 | 36-45 | 31-38 | 4/5/6/7 | 3.6/3.48/3.36/3.24s |
Wingman-Pistol | Sniper | 45/97/41 | 117 | 156 | 6/7/8/9 | 2.1s |
Shotgun shells
Shotgun shells are statistically the rarest ammo type in Apex Legends. Although this may seem like a viable reason to avoid their use, shotgun availability and the need for less ammo bolsters their cred. Shotgun shells break apart and fire pellets at enemy targets.
Pellets do varying damage for the three shotguns in the loot pool. They are high risk and high reward weapons that are most effective up close. While the bullet drop on shotguns is low, the pellet spread promotes shotgun use in close quarters if you want high damage dealt to your opponents. The four shotguns in the loot pool are below.
- EVA-8 Auto
- Mozambique
- Peacekeeper
- Mastiff

Apex Legends shotgun ammunition and weapon statistics
Name | Ammo | Damage (Body/Head/Legs) | DPS | RPM | Mag Size | Reload |
Peacekeeper | Shotgun | 9x11/11x11/9x11 | 73/78/83/85 | 44/47/50/51 | 5 | 3.5/3.38/3.27/3.15s |
Mastiff | Shotgun | 11x8/14x8/11x8 | 97/107/111/116 | 66/73/76/79 | 5 | Segmented |
Mozambique | Shotgun | 15x3/19x3/15x3 | 99/114/124/134 | 132/152/165/178 | 6 | 2.4s |
EVA-8 | Shotgun | 7x8/9x8/7x8 | 134/119 | 144/127 | 8 | 3/2.9/2.79/2.7s |
Stay tuned to esports.gg for esports news and Apex Legends info.